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May 2, 2024

Road to 1000: Part 4

Road to 1000: Part 4

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Walking the Road to a Thousand: Dreaming and Believing in God's Blessings

In today's episode, we dive into the 999th installment of My Morning Devotional. Join us, as we explore the theme of dreaming big and having vision for the future. Let's delves into the belief that God, as a good father, wants to bless his children and has the means to grant their dreams and aspirations. We reflect on the power of faith, commitment to a righteous life, and the assurance that God will provide everything needed in his perfect timing. 

Tune in for a dose of inspiration and encouragement as they share a powerful prayer to center the day.


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We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

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00:00:00.320 --> 00:00:50.113
You're listening to my morning devotional podcast, episode 999. Today's Evo is called the road to a thousand par four. Hey there. We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time. That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning Devotional podcast. Good morning, everybody. Happy Thursday. Welcome to a 999th episode. I can't believe we're here already. We've been talking about it. We're almost, almost there. And, Allison, you're here with us. You've been here with us this week, and we've loved it. And tomorrow's gonna be extra fun.

00:00:50.234 --> 00:01:11.778
Yes, because we're gonna get a little bit of extra Allison. It's going to be a longer episode. You still get your five minutes, but then we're going to continue it, and we're just going to have an awesome, fun conversation with you. And it's not just extra Allison, it's extra Rochelle, extra Stephanie, extra gabby, extra lolo. We're all going to be together talking, so I'm excited for that. I love that. All right, so can you lead us into today, Sivo?

00:01:11.825 --> 00:01:40.933
Of course. Today we're going to be in psalm, chapter 50, verses ten through twelve. It says, for every beast of the forest is mine. The cattle on a thousand hills. I know all the birds of the hills. And all that moves in the field is mine. If I were hungry, I would not tell you, for the world and its fullness are mine. Wow. And today we are going to continue that theme of a thousand. And God here is saying that he owns it all. A cattle on a thousand hills. He owns everything. Yes.

00:01:41.054 --> 00:02:09.903
And this kind of brings me back to a sermon that Pastor Chris, your husband, preached a couple of weeks ago, and we're going to link it in the show description below so that you guys have that tool or that sermon to listen to. It was a phenomenal sermon. But essentially he says at one point, why are we so afraid to dream? If God owns it all, are we limited to a certain idea? Are we limited to a certain square footage of a home?

00:02:10.364 --> 00:02:31.885
God wants to bless us. He wants to give it to us. He owns it all. It's his to give. So when we sit here and we ask and we pray and we have vision for our lives and vision for the future, our church is in the middle of this year of vision and pastor is encouraging us to look into the future. And we kind of talked about it this week, too.

00:02:31.990 --> 00:05:08.651
What can your life look like four years from now? A thousand more episodes from now? If you cling on to your faith, think back of what he's done for you in the last four years. So I want to encourage us all today to dream big. Yes. God has planted something in your heart. God has planted something in your mind, and something that's keeping you up. I know it's keeping you up because I have a new idea every day and they keep me up at night. So continue to hold on to those ideas and ask him, God, if this is from you, bless it, because he has the means to give you. He has the cattle to give you. Everything is his and he is a good father. He wants to give it to his children. So if you continue to commit not just your faith, but your days to him. Yes. And you continue to commit to a. Righteous way of living. It's not easy. The Bible says it's not easy. The road is very narrow to be living in this righteous step. Right. What's the next right step to make? I like to say what's the next righteous step to make? And if you continue to commit to. Your faith, if you can continue to commit to a godly life, imagine what God can bless you with. And on Monday, we talked about how sometimes things take time and he's not slow. So this kind of works hand in hand, because if you have a dream and you start taking those next right steps in four years, that dream can come true. In four years. It might not, but it doesn't mean that God's slow. It means that he's continuing to be. Faithful to you in his time. So hold on to it. Hold on to those dreams. Ask him to bless it, and if it's from him, he's going to gift it to you. Amen. Because he owns it all. Yeah. And, you know, it's. You just need to go ahead and try it. There's no failure because God is going to help you every step of the way. Yeah. And he's going to bring people, and. He'S going to bring the right people if it's from him. And if it's something, he's going to bless it. And like you just said, it's beautiful because he'll bring the right people at the right time, the right resources. And I remember when we were getting married, Chris and I had to pay for a wedding, and, you know, you've been there too. When you have to pay for a wedding, many of you listening might be engaged, and you have to pay for a wedding. And that alone is scary. Maybe you're now having, you have a bigger family and you need a new home, and you're thinking, that market is crazy. I mean, we live in Miami, and the market here is crazy right now. Crazy. But we have the faith to say, God, you own it all. Yeah. And we are your children, so we're gonna get something great. When I wake up every day, I think about, what am I gonna give Marino today?

00:05:08.788 --> 00:05:23.612
He's turning one, and I'm like, I'm gonna buy him a ton of things. If that's me with my son. Imagine God with us. He has the same and even a better attitude, and he loves us so much, he wants to bless us. And the best thing about that is that he owns it all.

00:05:23.747 --> 00:05:30.463
So there's nothing that he cannot give us. He can give us everything. Every tool, every person, every dream.

00:05:31.084 --> 00:06:04.158
He will grant it if it's his will. Yes. And in his time, and he'll provide everything you need. Can you pray for us today? Of course, Father. God, we thank you, Lord, for this Thursday. God, we thank you for this time together. Thank you for allowing this moment to continue to happen, day after day, moment after moment, scripture after scripture, as we continue to strengthen in your word, as we get ready for the days ahead of us. Lord, we're just thankful that you are a good father, that you own it all. And, Lord, we understand that we can dream big because you are a good father that wants to bless his children.

00:06:04.286 --> 00:06:30.033
So, Lord, we have the encouragement to have vision for our life. God, we ask that you continue to open our eyes and that if it is from you, that you gift it to us in your time. If that's four years, ten years, if that's four months, Lord, we are faithful to you day in and day out. We love you. We keep you at the center. God, we pray this in Jesus mighty name today and every day. Amen. Amen.

00:06:32.454 --> 00:06:53.274
So there you have it. Your five minute daily dose of heaven. Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend. Leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.