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April 19, 2024

Kill Them With Silence

Kill Them With Silence

How does the concept of "killing them with silence" align with the teachings of Proverbs 17:27-28?

Explore the wisdom of holding our tongues in difficult situations and the impact it can have on our relationships and overall well-being. With insightful passages from Proverbs, this episode encourages listeners to consider the power of restraint and the value of choosing peace over conflict. 

Join us as we embrace the weekend with a spirit of calm, grace, and positivity.


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We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

Here’s how to join our community!


00:00:00.280 --> 00:00:18.533
You're listening to the my morning Devotional podcast, episode 990. Today's Devo is called Kill em with silence. Hey there. We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida. And if you're like us, when days.

00:00:18.574 --> 00:01:08.022
Get busy and to do lists get. Longer, it can be hard to find devotional time. That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning Devotional podcast. Happy Friday, everybody. We are back, and we are finishing off an incredible week of Devos. I'm your host for the week, Gabby Alessi, accompanied by my sister, Stephanie Muena. You've been killing it this week, Stephanie. Thank you. And you're about to kill us with some more silence. I'm gonna be silent for the next five minutes. She's just gonna go silent. And it's going to be a great little teaching for all of us about how to just not talk. And the Lord will speak to you. No, steph, you've really done a great job this week, and I think it'd be great to just finish off, tie it with a bow, send them off into the weekend.

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Thank God it's Friday. With a nice little devotional.

00:01:11.926 --> 00:01:23.134
So what? How do we. How do we kill people with kindness? With silence? Well, thank you for messing that up, because it shows you this is. It was a fun pun because usually it's kill them with kindness.

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Yeah, but I want to speak on killing them with silence. Proverbs 1727 through 28 says, the one who has knowledge uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding is even tempered. Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent and discerning.

00:01:45.507 --> 00:03:36.635
If they hold their tongues. Again, it is Friday. So happy that we are finally going to jump into the weekend. We're going to have an awesome weekend with our family at church on Sunday with our friends. And I completely understand that some of our weekend situations can be harder than others. You may have. I was talking about marriage yesterday. You may have a marriage that is still working through its kinks. You're still trying to get on the same page with each other. You may have family members that you don't agree with everything they believe in. You may have bosses that are complicated. You may have friends that are going through tough times. Whatever it may be, it would be foolish to believe that all of us live perfect lives, people that are perfect and that don't say mean things to us or things that might make us angry. We all have people in our life that can really upset us people that we have to live with them, but we disagree with them, that we love them and we respect them. But they say some crazy things sometimes. And let me help you make your weekend so much easier. Just hold your tongue. Yep. Just hold your tongue. If there is somebody sitting across from you this weekend at a dinner, at a breakfast at brunch, whatever it may be, and they say something that can really make you upset, sit back. Like I said earlier this week, if it's a God thought, then it's truth. If it's an enemy thought, then it's a lie. And if you're not going to correct that person in love, then just don't say anything at all. Yeah. If they are not worth it, then hold your tongue. Because the one who has knowledge uses words with restraint. And whoever has understanding is even tempered. And they, even fools, are thought wise.

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If they just keep silent, it's not worth it. No.

00:03:40.364 --> 00:03:58.163
Maybe that person in your life, they just don't know how to hold their tongue. So don't stir up the fire even more by trying to prove them wrong. I so know the feeling of sitting by somebody and they are saying something that might even be unbiblical. Yeah. And they are in the wrong.

00:03:58.584 --> 00:04:09.707
But if they don't understand that, if they, if they aren't seeking. If they aren't seeking the full truth, then they're not going to seek it from you.

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They aren't going to hear it from you. So you keep your peace and you hold your tongue. I promise you your weekend is going to be ten times better if you just ignore what they say. You just hold your tongue and you just focus on bringing joy everywhere you go this weekend. So good. Stir up happy conversations. Stir up conversations with those people that you on. Stir up conversations with those people where you agree, where you can laugh together, where you can just have fun together. And if that person in your life only brings negativity, then just walk away. Love on them, have grace for them, pray for them. But just don't engage and enjoy your weekend with your family, with your friends, with the people in your life. And keep your tongue, keep your words to yourself because it's not going to bring any more joy if you just stir up all of those disagreements. But that is my, my note for you today.

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You are thought wise if you just keep silent and you just hold your tongue in marriage, at work, with your families.

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I promise you it'll make things so much easier if you know when to engage and you know when not to. That is so good. Well, there you go.

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Go into your weekend and just stay quiet. Enjoy yourself.

00:05:27.767 --> 00:06:02.463
Take a. Take a sabbatical of responding and talking back. If you're like me, we need to do that, ladies. Okay, Stephanie, pray us out and get us into the weekend. Let's do it. God. Thank you so much, Father, for the life that we get to live. And this weekend, we are about to live. God, I cannot wait for Sunday church this Sunday. God and I pray that every single person in listening to this podcast will have an amazing weekend. Full of joy, full of memories, full of friendships, full of family, full of relaxation so that we can get recharged to start the week again next week. And in Jesus name we all pray. Amen.

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So there you have it. Your five minute daily dose of heaven.

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Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend, leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.