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April 8, 2024

I've Got The Power

I've Got The Power

What kind of power do you need to make an impact today? 

On today's episode of My Morning Devotional, Gaby and Lauren Alessi share  a powerful revelation about the Holy Spirit. 

You'll discover the difference between worldly power and the power that only comes from a heavenly source, as we draw insights from Acts 1:8.

As always, we'll wrap up with a heartfelt prayer that will help you start your day empowered and connected. 

Tune in and let's embrace the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives!

Devotional led by  - Gabrielle Alessi
Host - Lauren Alessi


We're so glad you're here!

We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

Here’s how to join our community!


Lauren Alessi [00:00:00]:
You're listening to the my Morning Devotional podcast, episode 981. Today's Devo is called I've got the power.

Gaby Alessi [00:00:10]:
Hey there. We're the Alessis, a ministry family working.

Gaby Alessi [00:00:13]:
Together in our church in Miami, Florida.

Gaby Alessi [00:00:16]:
And if you're like us, when days.

Gaby Alessi [00:00:18]:
Get busy and to do lists get.

Gaby Alessi [00:00:19]:
Longer, it can be hard to find devotional time. That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning devotional podcast.

Lauren Alessi [00:00:31]:
Happy Monday, everybody. Good morning. Or good evening, depending on what time you're listening to.

Gaby Alessi [00:00:36]:
But hopefully it's the morning time because.

Lauren Alessi [00:00:38]:
This is the my morning devotion.

Gaby Alessi [00:00:40]:
Morning Devo.

Lauren Alessi [00:00:41]:
We are joined today by Gabby, Alessi. Gabby, how are you?

Gaby Alessi [00:00:45]:
I am doing good. I'm ready to go for today. It's gonna be a good Devo episode.

Lauren Alessi [00:00:51]:
A good morning Devo episode.

Gaby Alessi [00:00:52]:
Morning Devoe episode.

Lauren Alessi [00:00:54]:
And Gabby, this episode's a little different because you just recently finished reading the entire Bible. So you are like a Bible tsar.

Gaby Alessi [00:01:03]:
No, that's not true.

Lauren Alessi [00:01:04]:
You know everything about the Bible.

Gaby Alessi [00:01:06]:
I do not know everything about the Bible. That is for sure not true. That is false. False statement, false accusation. No, I just finished reading the entire Bible in three months. So the. There's this guy that we follow, he does the Bible in 30 days and he calls it the shredded. And I tried to do the shred and it did not work for me.

Gaby Alessi [00:01:25]:
So I did the Bible in three months instead. So I made my own shred and it was the most incredible experience. I finished revelation and I just literally sat in bed that night and just cried. It was like I had a moment with the Lord. Because you're just overwhelmed by. You did it all in three months. And no, I don't remember every single detail in every word that was there. But you get an overall picture of the Bible in its entirety.

Gaby Alessi [00:01:48]:
And it's just beautiful to see the same theme all throughout and to see how something I noticed is that Old Testament, you see the Father, New Testament, you see the Son, and now we're experiencing the Holy Spirit. So the Trinity is almost broken down into different areas and different places in the Bible. So it's really cool. It's definitely really cool. And everything we're going to talk about this week comes from that revelation that I got during the shred.

Lauren Alessi [00:02:15]:
The shred.

Lauren Alessi [00:02:15]:
That's awesome. That's awesome.

Lauren Alessi [00:02:17]:
So, Gabby, since your revelation, why don't you share a verse with us that really spoke to you?

Gaby Alessi [00:02:23]:
Yeah, we're going to look at acts one eight. And it says this, but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. And you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth. And what really stuck out to me is this part of you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. Today we live in a culture of, I want to be strong. I want to be fit. I want to be a strong, independent woman. I want to be bold.

Gaby Alessi [00:02:52]:
I want to be fierce. And it's like all of these really beautiful qualities, really, having strength is incredible. Being bold is amazing. Being fearless is great. Those are things that you should strive for. But there's a different power and there's a different confidence that we get when it's from the Holy Spirit. And I think we're in a world of striving for the world's version of power and the world's version of strength and. And worldly muscles, really, when you have the power of the Holy Spirit, and when the power of the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you can do things that you've never done before.

Gaby Alessi [00:03:29]:
And what's beautiful about this power is it's a humble power. It's something that comes upon you, and it's not about you. When you walk into a room, it's not like everybody stops and it's like, oh, my gosh, she's here. And everybody turns their attention. No, it's this strong, confident power. It's this confidence in yourself that you can get through the day. You can accomplish the things that are in front of you. If something comes against you, you can fight against that.

Gaby Alessi [00:03:56]:
You have the power to defeat that enemy, to defeat that giant. It's almost like the power that David had in the Bible. When David went up against Goliath, he wasn't cocky. He wasn't. I mean, he had a little bit of good cockiness, right? Cause he was confident, but he just simply grabbed the stones. He grabbed what he needed. He got the stuff that he needed to make it happen. And he went against the giant.

Gaby Alessi [00:04:20]:
He spoke directly to him. He rebuked that giant, and then he defeated him.

Lauren Alessi [00:04:24]:

Gaby Alessi [00:04:25]:
And he wasn't looking for the praise and the glory and the accolades and everybody bowed down. No, there was none of that. It was, I'm going to defeat this giant because I know the God that I serve. And it was like the same power that David had. That's the power that the Holy Spirit will give us when we receive the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit pours out his himself, on us, we receive that power. And so whatever you're about to face today, when you're walking into the office, when, man, if you're looking on social media and you feel like it's just defeating you, everything you're seeing or you're handling your kids today, know that the Holy Spirit has given you a power that withstands every other obstacle, every. Every stronghold in the world today that you can fight against it.

Gaby Alessi [00:05:14]:
And my biggest takeaway, and I hope it's yours today, is that the power the Holy Spirit gives you, gives you the confidence to feel good about yourself, feel strong in yourself, feel strong in the Lord to accomplish today and to make today happen. Amen.

Lauren Alessi [00:05:30]:

Lauren Alessi [00:05:30]:
And I also think of Jesus when he spoke his first message in temple. He said, the spirit of the Lord is upon me.

Gaby Alessi [00:05:36]:

Lauren Alessi [00:05:36]:
He has anointed me. He has empowered me.

Gaby Alessi [00:05:38]:
He has empowered me. Yes.

Lauren Alessi [00:05:39]:
And so every while you were speaking, I just. That verse just kept popping through my head. And so it's a beautiful verse. Thank you for sharing it with us today. Gabby, can you pray us out today?

Gaby Alessi [00:05:48]:
Yes, Lord, we just thank you for today. We thank you for the power of your Holy Spirit. And we thank you, God, that you don't withhold that power, that you freely give it to us, Lord. And I just pray today that you would give us the power of your holy spirit. Don't just give us strength, God. Don't just give us worldly ability, God, give us power from your holy spirit. That's different, Lord. It's different from what other people may have.

Gaby Alessi [00:06:13]:
It's different from the power that you receive at the gym or it's different than the power that you receive from an energy drinker, God. It's different from all of those other things. It's the power of the Holy Spirit. And let us walk in that today. Let us be strong christians today, strong in the Lord with the power of your might. We thank you for it in Jesus name. Amen.

Lauren Alessi [00:06:31]:

Gaby Alessi [00:06:32]:
So there you have it.

Gaby Alessi [00:06:33]:
Your five minute daily dose of heaven. Thank you so much for tuning in today. We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional.

Gaby Alessi [00:06:43]:
Share it with a friend, leave a comment or review for us on the.

Gaby Alessi [00:06:47]:
App you're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.